
Vietnam Assistance for the Handicapped

Agent Orange Research

Thursday, December 5, 2019

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Tháng 9/1994 Hội VNAH phối họp hỗ trợ chuyến đi thăm của Đô Đốc Elmo Zumwalt trong nổ lực hợp tác với Chính phủ VN nghiên cứu và khắc phục hệ quả của chất độc Da Cam. Đô Đốc Zumwalt là Chủ tịch Hội đồng Cố vấn của Hội VNAH.

In 1994, VNAH supported Admiral Elmo Zumwalt's return visit to Vietnam to discuss and collaborate with Vietnamese government on research on Agent Orange Dioxin. He was the Chairman of VNAH's Board of Advisors.

VNAH worked with the 10-80 Committee (Dr Hoang Dinh Cau) to organize the trip.

This is a video of a reception at the Metro Pole Hotel in Hanoi to announce the joint effort:

Video Captions

Your Delegation, General Tran Van Quang, and Mr.

Bill Frankie, Chairman of Gannon Company, and representatives of the economic and enemies of the international program, ladies and gentlemen.

I hereby announce that the President of the National Committee on the Investigation of the Consequences of the Chemicals Used in the Vietnam War, also known as the Committee No.

1080, and the delegation led by the Governor-General, Envo Zumbo, have arrived in Hanoi on September 9, 1994.

According to the state investigation and also the agent Orange, according to this Vietnam conflict...

Mr. Trần Đại Học, a researcher on the environment, and Mr.

Trần Văn Ca, on Saturday morning, September 10, 1994,

and the scientists, and the President,

I am honored to be able to return to Vietnam.

I am very grateful to Gannon Pacific for hosting this event tonight.

Chief Executive Officer of that company, Bill Frankie, who spoke to you a few moments ago, served under me in Vietnam.

And as you can see, he was too big to discipline.

But he, and many others of us, are of a view that the time has come to return to Vietnam.

But he, and many others of us, are of a view that the time has come to heal the wounds.

But he, and many others of us, are of a view that the time has come to heal the wounds.

I have brought with me several who are involved in that healing process.

Dr. Arnold Schechter, who I will ask to hold up his hand, has been here 11 times doing research on Agent Orange with the Kennedy Committee.

And we are very eager to make the arrangements while we are here and later that will permit a very broad study jointly of Agent Orange.

And during our visit to Vietnam, we hope to find more opportunities to organize and organize larger programs to participate and contribute to the field.

We are also very pleased to announce that all government officials in Vietnam, all those whom we have had the opportunity to meet, all support this initiative of ours. I have also brought with me an American citizen of Vietnamese ancestry, Mr.

Cao Van Trang, whose hand I will ask to hold up.

He has been serving as president and I as chairman of his advisory committee in an organization called the Vietnam Assistance for the Handicapped.

We are providing prosthetic devices, arms and legs, for Vietnamese military who lost them in the war.

I'm happy to report those on both sides who lost their limbs.

That program has been funded by the U.S. government.

I am happy to report that we are about to start a new program with U.S. government funds.

That will involve the provision of training for the military.

And education for displaced children in the lot.

The facilities for provision of the limbs are located in Can Tho and Thu Duc.

He is here as the symbolic representative of his older brother, Elmo Zumwalt, who lost his life as a result of exposure to Agent Orange.

And this is my son, who is here as a symbolic representative of his brother, Elmo Zumwalt, who was unfortunately killed in the war.

for the need that we very deeply sense that the time has come to bind up the wounds.

We recommended to President Clinton that the trade sanctions be lifted.

We believe that the improvement of the economy of Vietnam is of great benefit not only to the people of Vietnam but also to the people of America.

So among our other interests, we are interested in learning what more can be done to facilitate commerce between our two countries.

My final comment would be, let us have no more talk of war.

Let us have talk only of peace and friendship.

Let us have talk only of understanding and peace.

For more information on VNAH please visit:
Để biết thêm thông tin về Hội VNAH: http://www.vnah-hev.org/about/fact-sheet/

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